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Services provided by Gouden Riche Interactive. Hereby referred to as “Gouden Riche” shall only be delivered after the relevant event plan (including fees and budgets) has been agreed by the Client. . The fees and charges payable to Gouden Riche as stated on the event plan are fixed prices.
Payment Terms:
Upon Confirmation: 50% of the total cost
2 Weeks prior to the event: Full amount of the total cost
Should you elect to cancel the project before completion, you shall be required to pay the cost based on the progress.
All event plan which is endorsed (Signature & Company Stamp) by the respective client is assumed to be duly authorized representative of the client.
Client agrees to pay Organiser based on the price approved and endorsed (Signature & Company Stamp) by the client.
All payments are to be made to Gouden Riche Interactive.
Once booked, the plan is non-cancelable and non-transferable.
Any cost variation, an invoice will be raised at the end of the event or prior to final payment
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